Wednesday, March 21

First Post.

I've struggled with the idea of having a blog for a while now, I find the endless documentation of every tiny aspect of human existence a little pointless, who reads all this? It seems to me that increasing numbers of people are virtually living their lives through the internet and self promotion in now a social activity, it wasn't so long ago that the least interesting people were the ones who talked about themselves the most and it was also considered bad manners to do so...

But now, needs must and as I try and eke out a living from various creative endeavours its become increasingly difficult to operate without a point of contact on the internet, so here it is...

the first post on my first blog, I have no words to say of myself so this is me from someone elses perspective...

something much more interesting soon.


1 comment:

Bijoy said...

na may be the intrested one comes and visit what they wanted to and they go off.Good blog be in touch like to vist again.

Biby Cletus